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General Manager – Human Resources & Organization

Syed Aiman Hussaini

Aiman is a well-rounded and seasoned HR professional with a dynamic career spanning over 17 years in various HR roles across diverse industries at leading organizations.

Aiman embarked on his professional journey at Engro, where he held important HR positions in Engro Powergen Ltd, Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC) and Engro Corporation Limited and progressed to become the Head of Rewards & Talent Acquisition at Engro Corp. During his tenure at Engro, his major achievements included establishing the HR function and Systems for the newly formed companies - Engro Energy Limited and SECMC. He also played an instrumental role in the standardization of Policies, Practices, and Processes across the group companies.

Later, he was associated with ThalNova as Head of HR & Administration where he played a pivotal role in setting up the HR & Admin Functions and in due diligence during acquisition of ThalNova by HUBCO. Thereafter, he became part of the HUBCO group as head of HR Thar Energy Ltd. (TEL) and ThalNova Power Thar (Pvt) Limited (TNPTL) . Later, he assumed the role of Head of HR – Subsidiaries, leading the HR Function for field-based employees of HUBCO. Subsequent to this role, he served as Senior Manager HR - COE (Center of Expertise) whereby he was responsible for Corporate Rewards & Talent Acquisition functions along with HR matters related to Thar Projects and seamless transition into O&M phase.

Currently, Aiman heads Human Resources at Prime Pakistan.

By qualification, he is an MBA from San Diego State University.