At Prime Pakistan Limited, we are steadfastly committed to establishing and maintaining a secure and healthy work environment for our company’s workforce, contractors, visitors, and individuals and communities within our operational areas. We meticulously implement measures to safeguard the environment, prevent pollution, and conserve biodiversity and ecosystems. Our approach involves systematically minimizing risks associated with our activities. This is achieved through risk assessments, continuous monitoring of operations, regular inspections, internal and external audits, drills, and the facilitation of periodic toolbox talks and training sessions. By adhering to these stringent protocols, we ensure the comprehensive protection of all stakeholders and the environment, aligning our practices with the highest standards of health, safety, and environmental stewardship.

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Safeguarding the health of employees and associated individuals is a top priority.

The company's health function, guided by monitoring activities and improvement actions, has established guidelines and objectives for the health management process, including healthcare and emergency care. The health management plan is tailored to the specific business context, identified hazards, and associated risks, reflecting an appropriate level of complexity and detail. To ensure fitness for work, employees undergo pre-employment assessments and regular health surveillance checks aligned with the specific workplace hazards. Prime Pakistan Limited remains dedicated to continual improvement and the well-being of its workforce, maintaining a proactive approach to safety and access to medical care.

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1. Personal Safety

Personal safety holds paramount importance for the company. Each individual associated with our organization, whether an employee or a collaborator, plays a crucial role in fostering a safer work environment. We have high expectations for their adherence to the safety protocols and regulations specific to their tasks, taking proactive measures to avert hazardous situations.

2. Process Safety

The company places great emphasis on process safety, which commences during the initial design phase of the facilities and persists throughout their entire lifespan. Our commitment lies in ensuring safe operations, diligent maintenance, and regular inspections to promptly identify and address any potential process safety hazards. We prioritize a comprehensive approach that spans the entire life cycle of our facilities, guaranteeing the highest level of safety standards.

3. Road Traffic Safety

The company is deeply committed to road traffic safety and upholds the principles outlined by ISO standard. We have implemented a robust road traffic safety management system that encompasses proactive measures, regular risk assessments, driver training programs, and continuous improvement initiatives. Our goal is to ensure the highest level of road safety standards across our operations, fostering a safe and secure environment for all road users.

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We prioritize protection of the environment where we operate and strive to meet applicable legal requirements.

We are dedicated to preserving biodiversity and preventing oil spills, while effectively managing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Our commitment extends to rigorous environmental monitoring, waste management, effluent treatment, and responsible management of produced water. Through these initiatives, we ensure a sustainable and environmentally conscious approach to our operations.

Safety Competence Assessment

We ensure that our supervisors are competent based on appropriate levels of education, training and experience. As part of our annual assessment process, we regularly conduct safety competence assessments to evaluate their knowledge and skills. Through these assessments, we aim to identify areas where further training and development may be required for each individual. By addressing these areas of development, we strive to enhance the competency levels of our supervisors, leading to improved HSE standards. Our commitment to continuous improvement ensures that our supervisors are equipped with the necessary knowledge and competences to maintain a safe and secure work environment.














HSE Personal Commitment

Visible involvement of our Leadership Team in HSE activities plays a key role in instilling a culture where HSE is valued by all employees. To achieve this, the Leadership Team actively participates in HSE meetings, stand downs, stop work promotions, site visits, and communication events as part of their annual objectives. Their active involvement provides management oversight on our operational areas, improves communication between management and staff and contributes significantly towards prevention of unwanted occurrences.





Stop Work Authority

We empower everyone at our sites with the authority to intervene and stop work if any unsafe conditions or practices are identified, thereby promoting the safe practice of Stop Work Authority (SWA). In general, the SWA process takes a stop, notify, correct, and resume approach to resolve a perceived unsafe work/ action or condition. We regularly conduct “Mock Drills” with Top -Down and Bottoms – Up approaches at worksites to check the willingness of our employees to intervene when they see something “wrong” for safety, and to remind them about the shared authority and responsibility entrusted upon them by the organization.

Prime Pakistan Updates

HSE Highlights​

Prime International Oil and Gas Company



World Safety Day​

On 28th April 2023, Prime Pakistan Limited celebrated World Day for Safety and Health at Work with great enthusiasm. HSE department shared valuable HSE information ...



Emergency Evacuation Drill At Karachi Office

In May 2023, Prime Pakistan Limited conducted an Emergency Evacuation Drill at Karachi office, simulating a scenario involving a fire and medical emergency. The exercise ...